Saturday, December 17, 2011

To All the Political Correctness Zealots - MERRY CHRISTMAS

This is for the political correctness group - I am putting up a CHRISTMAS TREE, not a Holiday Tree, I am wishing people MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holidays, I have decorated outside with CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, not Holiday Lights, and I hope we can put a stop to this political correctness nonsense during the CHRISTMAS SEASON!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Real Budget Cuts! It's all smoke and mirrors!

Neither the President nor Congress are serious about reducing the deficit! All they are really talking about is cutting the amount of increase in the deficit.  In other words, instead of increasing the deficit by another 5 Trillion dollars, they are only going to increase it by 4 Trillion dollars, and then they call this a 1 Trillion dollar  budget reduction! What a joke!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cost of Christmas Keeps Going Up!

The total cost for the 364 items mentioned in the "12 Days of Christmas"  is now estimated at $101,119!

This is the first time the cost has been over $100,000!  ( It's probably Bush's fault!)