Friday, October 26, 2012


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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Only 12 more days before we find out if America survives or continues on the path to destruction! If Romney wins, America survives! If Obama wins, America is doomed! The quickest way to destroy a country is to ruin it's monetary system, which is exactly what Obama is doing! The value of the dollar has gone down 30% since Obama took office. The devaluation will continue as long as Obama's spending spree and debt accumulation continues and the Fed keeps printing money. The more they print, the more the dollar loses in value! The best advise is to have some gold or other store of value, because if Obama wins, the dollar's value will continue to vanish! Remember: The greatest threat to America is not another country; it's having an electorate so ignorant that they would elect Obama in the first place and even worse possibly re-elect him

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

100% FREE FILE BACKUP! You can now get Free File Backup for your computer files, so what are you waiting for? Don't risk losing your files when, not if, your computer crashes! To get 2 GB of Free Backup, just go to the link on the right side of my blog. No Gimmicks! No Hassle! No Fees! IT'S COMPLETELY FREE!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'M for HOPE and CHANGE!!

I'm now for Hope and Change! I sure HOPE we have a CHANGE!!

Friday, October 19, 2012


NTERESTING OBAMA LIE! Here is an article by Thomas Sowell about an interesting LIE Obama told at Hampton University in 2007 about how the Government was treating the people in New Orleans - because they were predominently Black- different from those in New York and Florida regarding Stafford Act funds for rebuilding. It appears that lying is something he does often and well! Perhaps we should refer to him as Liar-in-Chief

Obama - LIAR-in-CHIEF

Instead of Commander-in-Chief, I think it's more appropriate to call Obama LIAR-in-CHIEF!