Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I now know what IRS stands for: INTERNAL RETALIATION SERVICE!


The proposed immigration bill has 4 major flaws: The minimum fine should be at least $10,000 not $2000, and no one who has been convicted of a misdemeanor should be eligible! The proposed legislation I believe allows for 3. This country already has enough criminals. Illegals who are criminals should all be deported! Only those who came here prior to 2008 should be eligible. The proposed legislation makes anyone here prior to 2012 eligible. Finally and most important, provisional status should only happen once a border fence has been erected and the border is fully secured. The proposed legislation just requires the DHS to certify that steps will be taken to secure the border - which means the border, will never be made secure and millions more will enter illegally! I'm opposed to this bill and have contacted my Congressman and Senators asking them to also oppose it, unless these flaws are corrected. Hopefully others will do the same!