Friday, June 28, 2013


Here is an open letter to Marco Rubio! Dear Senator Rubio, I think it is time you stop misleading people! I say that because it is obvious you are only interested in getting legal status for illegals – which begins with the so-called provisional status which starts immediately and lasts 6 years! Your talk about border security was nothing but a ploy to garner support! I’ve heard you say several times on TV that border security needs to be first, but evidently you did not mean what you said, because of your actions of voting against amendments that would require security first and legalization second! Also, misleading is your assertion that this bill will generate tax revenue. This bill will do nothing of the kind! Most illegals have low wage jobs, so they likely will pay no income taxes and probably get refunds due to their number of dependents and child care credits. Most will just be added to the 50% of workers who now pay no income tax. Perhaps sometime in the near future you can take time out from your busy schedule of illegal hugging and misrepresentation and try telling the truth! Also, since it appears many Republican Senators no longer have the gonads they were born with, I’m wondering if Harry Reid does the removal himself or is it done by a staffer and he just presides over the ceremony?