Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The question regarding Santa’s true skin color certainly is understandable! The traditional “Jolly Olde Elf”, who brings us gifts only once a year, has normally been portrayed as White. But now he's competing with Obama Claus, whose Black, and who showers millions with freebies all year long!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I hope some of you will participate in the “Do Not E-File" Project! It’s a simple way to send a message to the Obama Administration and the IRS that many Americans are fed up with both of them! I think many of us agree that the IRS is the most onerous and out of control federal agency in existence today and certainly does not need to be the watchdog for ObamaCare! To send a subtle message, I’m asking people to not e-file their 2013 Federal Income tax returns. Instead fill out the forms by hand and mail them in. Such returns create considerable more work for the IRS, and If you happen to make some small math errors that adds to the workload! Also: Consider joining our group: National Citizens Action Coalition (NCAC) our website is: http://ncac.yolasite.com There is no cost to join!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Are you aware that Obama, his administration and most Congressional Democrats do not support the principles listed below: Limited government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, equal opportunity, personal accountability, legal immigration, secure borders, energy independence, private health care and freedom from government intrusion into our private lives. If you do, consider joining the National Citizens Action Coalition. Our website is: http://ncac.yolasite.com Thanks