Friday, September 8, 2017


Do you favor rewarding ILLEGALS for BREAKING the LAW? WELL DEMOCRATS DO! Under Obama, Democrats REWARDED millions of ILLEGALS by granting them LEGAL STATUS, and now they are protected in Sanctuary Cities even if they commit crimes! This of course is totally crazy! Whoever heard of rewarding people for BREAKING the LAW? But that’s exactly what Democrats did and still want to do, so let’s be fair! If ILLEGALS are to be rewarded for BREAKING the LAW, shouldn't we also reward citizens? For example: Instead of fining CITIZENS for not having health insurance, they should be REWARDED! Send them a check equal to the amount they would have had to pay as a fine! Or if CITIZENS are late with their tax payment, they should be REWARDED not FINED! The IRS would send them a check and a THANK YOU note for being late; and the later they are the bigger the check! And if a policeman stops you for speeding, instead of giving you a ticket, he'll pull out some cash and hand it to you! JUST THINK HOW GREAT IT WOULD BE IF CITIZENS WERE TREATED AS WELL AS ILLEGALS!