Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The 2018 mid-term Congressional election is the most important mid-term election in the history of our country, and will determine whether or not the United States survives as the nation we know!

As election time approaches, the incivility of the Democrats, their left wing supports  and the Liberal Media will plummet to new lows! They will use every dirty tactic in their playbook to try to destroy the reputation of Republican candidates with false claims of sexual misconduct, campaign finance violations, infidelity, plus there will be intimidation of the candidate’s family members as well as physical violence!  They will also label Republican candidates and their supporters as SEXIST, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC ISLAMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, MISOGYNISTIC and FASCIST, who want children of Illegals kept in cages and everyone to have dirty water and dirty air!

The mere thought of the Democrats gaining control of just one chamber of Congress should be a wakeup call to all Patriotic Americans!  Imagine Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again!  She with her radical agenda and love for MS-13 gang members!  Even worse, would be the fringe lunatic Maxine Waters! Nothing would pass Congress for the next 2 years if either of them becomes Speaker!  Their total attention would be on trying to impeach Trump!

The true doomsday scenario would be if Democrats were to gain total control of Congress!  They would then pass their radical agenda which includes suspending the Constitution, open borders, unlimited illegal immigration, voting by non-citizens, total confiscation of guns, plus the repeal of all the laws passed by the Trump administration including the tax cut, reduction of business regulations, health care reform, law and order and the military build-up!

To counter this radical onslaught I’m calling on all Patriotic Americans, who voted for Trump to do the following:

First: Commit to showing up at the polls to vote for the Republican Congressional candidate in your State or District , and  encourage your friends, family members and relatives to do the same! 

Second:  Provide an on-going Social Media Blitz to counter the attacks, lies and distortions by Democrats their radical left wing supporters and the Liberal Media!

Third: Provide an on-going Social Media Blitz detailing the true backgrounds of the Democratic candidates particularly those in potential swing States or Districts! Some of these revelations will not only be damning but also totally shocking!

REMEMBER: The future of America is at stake in this mid-term election!

Monday, September 3, 2018


If Socialism is so great, as the Democrats and their left wing supporters want you to believe, why did it fail so miserably in Venezuela?  Also, why didn't  Bernie Sanders and his Socialism zealots volunteer to go to Venezuela, and show them how to make it work?  Perhaps it's because they know that it doesn't work and hasn't worked in any country that has tried it! Remember: Socialism sounds great in theory, but does not work in reality!


The truth is something the Liberal left does not use and is what they fear the most!