Monday, August 29, 2022


Every time I read about so-called racial dis-proportionality, the Saga of the Racist Red Light Camera comes to mind! Just so everyone knows what I’m talking about, racial dis-proportionality is the unfairness mantra spouted by the race hustlers when minorities for some reason seem to be dis-proportionally represented! For example: If Blacks are 13% of the total population and if the number of Blacks arrested is for some reason greater than 13% of all those arrested, this proves the Justice System is targeting Blacks and is therefore Racist. Consequently, our Justice System needs to change! So arresting those who may be guilty is less important than making sure the proportion of Blacks arrested is in line with their population percentage!! This of course is total nonsense, but the race hustlers keep hammering how unfair our systems are and keep using racial proportionality as proof! Now with that as a background, here is the story of the Racist Red Light Camera! In a community not far from where I live, they decided to install, on a trial basis, a red light camera. It would photo the license plate of any vehicle which ran a red light at a particular intersection. The registered owner would then be sent a ticket, for running a red light. Hopefully this would cut down on violations, and since the camera was operational 24/7, it would also raise needed revenue! Everything worked fine during the trial period. However, when deciding to make this permanent, someone discovered a racial discrepancy! More Blacks were being ticketed than Whites!! In this community about 45% of the population was Black, but more than 70% of those caught by the camera were Black! The logical explanation of course would be that more Blacks than Whites were running the red light. But that was not an acceptable explanation! To the race hustlers, the only possible explanation for this disparity was that the “Camera” was targeting Blacks, and therefore must be “Racist”! So after Blacks protested the camera’s continued use, the “Racist Camera” was finally removed! And so it goes!!

Friday, August 26, 2022


I think it’s valid to question whether the stock market plunges are a so-called correction or is the market being manipulated, and perhaps it is something that should be thoroughly investigated! 
The stock market is losing Billions in value, individual investors are losing Tens of Thousands in their IRAs and 401Ks, and the pundits want us to believe, as always, this is just another a normal market adjustment.  That’s hard to believe!  It may be true, but it could also be true that the market is being manipulated to slow down our economy and cripple the Trump Presidency!
 Who could possibly be behind such an effort and why? One possibility is a secretive organization called the Bilderberg Group, its offshoot known as the Trilateral Commission in concert with the Federal Reserve Board and its reckless interest rate adjustments!
The Bilderberg Group is a secretive group of power elites from the major industrial nations, whose overall objective is the New World Order! Their agenda is to control the world through an authoritarian world government instead of sovereign states.  The European Union is an example of their handiwork, and one of their acolytes was Barack Obama, who during his presidency tried his best to minimize the role and power of the United States in the world and also weaken its economy! This would have continued full force if Hillary Clinton had been elected President, since her husband, Bill, is thought to be a member!
The election of Trump as President, the booming economy his policies have created and his America first philosophy represent a serious setback to those committed to the New World Order, and his domestic enemies are legion including Democrats, Washington DC bureaucrats and the Deep State, so causing the market plunge is not only a way to weaken America, it could also be a reprisal! 
Think about it!  The stock market never goes up anywhere near the rate it drops, and neither the currency market nor the commodities market ever plunge the way the stock market does! Calling these plunges “corrections” may sound find, but “manipulation” may be more appropriate!