Saturday, September 29, 2012


TWO OBAMACARE "GOTCHAS"!! There is much unknown in ObamaCare - all by design - but here are 2 “Gotchas” that people should be aware of before the election. The first one directly effects seniors who use a Medicare Advantage plan. Payments by the Government to these plans will be reduced, so seniors will have to pick up the difference if they wish to continue with such plans! The additional cost can be substantial – as much as $100 per month! The reduced funding comes about because Obama took 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to help pay for ObamaCare. The second “gotcha” has to do with your current private insurance. Under ObamaCare, you've been told you can can keep your current insurance but you can only keep it as long as there as there are no changes. The “gotcha” regards the changes! If there is any change, whatsoever, for example – premium increase or decrease, coverage changes, new provider, etc., you will no longer be able to keep your policy. Instead you will be forced to join one of the insurance exchanges created by ObamaCare. It is precisely because of this provision that so many unions wanted and were granted waivers. Welcome to Change Obama Style!