Monday, November 12, 2012


Congratulations Obama supporters! You now own it! Elections have consequences, and during the next 4 years those consequences will become very evident and remember, YOU OWN IT! The next terrorist attack, you own it! Can't get a job after graduation, you own it! Sky rocketing energy prices due to Obama's EPA shutting down energy sources and production, you own it! A nuclear Iran, you own it! Bowing to the Soviet Union, you own it! Another severe recession, you own it! A volatile border with Mexico, you own it! Trouble getting good health care, you own it! Higher health insurance costs and health care costs, you own it! No federal budget, you own it! Mistrust by our allies, you own it! Several trillion more of debt, you own it! More Benghazi situations, you own it! Fewer willing to join the military, you own it! Not able to get a loan to buy a home, you own it! More dependency on food stamps, you own it! Declining value of the dollar, you own it! Trouble finding good employment, you own it! Several part time jobs instead of a good job, you own it! Higher unemplument, you own it! A coming New World Order, you own it! UN interference in our internal affairs, you own it! A Senate that will not bring up needed legislation for a vote, rather it is "Dead on Arrival", you own it! China controlling world trade and trampling all over us, you own it! Erosion of freedoms we have enjoyed in the past, you own it! A dictatorship instead of a government that follows the Constitution, you own it! Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it! Driving a car that looks like a toy, you own it! More government corruption lies and cover-ups, you own it! Tolerance of extreme and fanatical Islamists, you own it! Terrorist attacks called work place incidents, you own it! A flood of illegals into our country, you own it! Welcome to what your vote is bringing to America!