Sunday, November 18, 2012


It’s time for Congressional Republicans especially the leadership to show some backbone! Obama and Congressional Democrats repeatedly make charges and claims with impunity, because they know from experience Republicans just back away – they don’t challenge, confront or refute! This has to STOP! America’s future is at stake! President Obama has drawn a line in the sand claiming he’ll veto any deficit reduction bill which does not include a tax increase on the so-called “rich”! Fine! Present him a deficit reduction bill which includes extending the Bush tax cuts! If he veto’s it or the Democratic controlled Senate doesn’t pass it, let them explain why they want to raise taxes on the “middle class”! Also make it known that such a tax increase will have little effect on the deficit and will slow down economic recovery and add to unemployment! The President also keeps hammering ad nauseam about how the majority of Americans favor a tax on the “rich”! Countered by saying Americans also favor repeal of ObamaCare, so this also needs to be part of the discussion, especially since it will not only add to the deficit and will also cause further unemployment! As I said, Republicans need to show some backbone! Don’t repeat past mistakes of giving in to Obama’s demands in return for some vague promises