Tuesday, July 23, 2013


If I’m being beaten and robbed during a home invasion, how do I make sure I’m not violating the civil rights of my assailants? Am I required to reveal the location of valuables they may not easily locate? Do I need to help the assailants carry the stolen goods out to their vehicle, and if they don’t have one am I required to lend them my car. Do I need to warn them of potential tripping hazards in my residence? Do I need to guarantee them that TV’s, stereo’s, computers, etc. are all in working order? How am I allowed to address them? Is Sir and/or Madam ok, or is there some other approved salutation? Am I required to reimburse them for medical charges they may incur from bruised knuckles, etc.? Am I expected to invite them to come back if they are not pleased with their initial load of goods. Your help in clarifying these issues will be greatly appreciated! Sincerely, RL