Thursday, August 22, 2013


Though I’m in favor of defunding ObamaCare, I think trying to do so will backfire on the Republicans. Obama, Congressional Democrats and the Lame Stream Media working together always seem to get the better of the Republicans in any confrontation. I believe a much better strategy for the Republicans would be for them to fully fund ObamaCare, but with the following conditions: * It cannot be implemented until all current exemption to the law expire! * No additional exemptions are allowed! * Eliminate all the special“perks” that were included in the law to get passage! * Eliminate anything else in the law not directly related to health care! This would then leave it up to Obama and the Democrats to deal with! Finally, Republicans should stop using the term ObamaCare, and only refer to it as the “Unaffordable Health Care Act”, so citizens may begin to understand how this law is really going to affect their lives.