Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Florida School Bus Beating! 3 Blacks beat a White boy!!

It's amazing the silence from Obama, Holder, Sharpton, the Congressional Black Caucus and the liberal Lame Stream Media regaring the school bus beating that happened in Florida, where 3, 15 year old Blacks severly beat a 13 White boy! Evidently it's Ok for Blacks to beat Whites as long as the victim doesn't somehow violate the civil rights of Blacks while he's being beaten! Can you imagine the outcry, protests,news coverage, marches, etc. if the victim had been Black and the assaliants White! Welcome to DOUBLE STANDARD AMERICA! And as long as we don't speak up about it, it will continue and get worse1 Here is a link to the incident: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-florida-school-bus-beating,0,5843590.story